Cut. It. Out!

We’ve become such a society full of “should monsters.” Telling you what you should eat. What you should do with your body and how it should look. Who you should vote for, how to live your life, how you should be pursuing your career, you should get married and etc. I find the people who spend so much of their time telling you what you “should” be doing with your life, need to focus their time more on what they need to be doing with theirs. You do what you have to do for you, don’t should on yourself and tell those people to should off!

I deal with the know it alls and the one uppers all the time. I consider myself a very nice and patient person. That seems to go hand in hand with people trying to push over you or tell you what to do. Maybe it is spending so much time on my own self reflection and focusing on boosting up my self esteem again that I’ve come to notice this negativity. Of course the world does seem to have so much negativity in the head lines.

When you’re a sunshine personality it’s easy to feel like a wilted flower. I also soak up my atmosphere like a sponge. I believe that’s called emotional contagion.

As I get older and especially once I hit my 30’s I have noticed I steer away from friends who start to become acquaintances because I need to keep positive people in my life. In the last year when I was going through some things, especially financially. What can I say I am always struggling with money, I’m a broke actor! I lost a friend over a situation that was quite ridiculous. I’ll blog about it one day when the wounds are more healed. At first I was hurt by her deciding I was not worthy to be in her life any longer but then I started to realize how she was disappearing from mine to begin with and to be quite frank she was not the most positive person to be friends with as I had thought.  It really was good for me to step back and come to the conclusion that this friendship ending was unfortunate for its circumstances but in the end something I needed to have happen. I learned a ton from it and her. There is definitely great memories we shared together but alas we shall go our own ways now. I am sure we will run into each other again some day. I will be civil, classy  and kind.

Another thing I have experienced when it comes to cutting out negative people is the ones who think  they have all the answers and your thoughts are ridiculous.The one uppers, know it alls and should havers are usually my peers, especially in the entertainment business. Man is this biz full of them. I don’t know why they make me cringe, maybe because some put you down like you know nothing. I never treat people this way and it goes against everything I believe in. If anyone came to me for advice I do feel I would have some wise answers whether it be about pursuing acting or just on life in general. I’ve got a decent head on my shoulders. I definitely wouldn’t think I have all the answers and am some kind of expert. No way! I’m always learning  from myself and making mistakes. There also isn’t one way to go about any of it.

So in conclusion here is what I say when it comes to dealing with these kind of negative people in your life. Focus on you, what makes you happy. Do what you have to do for you. If it offends a friend because they aren’t getting what they want out of it. Let them go. If some one makes you cringe because you disagree with their approach towards you or anything you are working on, distance yourself or cut them out. Life is too short to let those folks break you down and your time is precious. Do what you have to do for you! Just like goofy Uncle Joey on Full House use to say, ” Cut. It. Out.”
